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Woman breathing cover
Health Changer
Jerome Mielczarek

The Power of Breath: Get the Best Out of You

Have you ever wondered how professional athletes maintain their performance and endurance during intense workouts? The secret often lies in something as simple and fundamental as breathing. Effective breathing techniques can significantly enhance

Grounding Cover
Health Changer
Jerome Mielczarek

6 Surprising Benefits of Earthing: What You Need to Know

Have you ever walked barefoot on grass and felt an immediate sense of calm and connection? If you’ve been searching for a simple yet profound way to improve your overall well-being, this post

Running Tips Cover
Health Changer
Jerome Mielczarek

5 Essential Running Tips I Wish I Knew Earlier

Have you ever laced up your running shoes, filled with enthusiasm, only to find yourself sidelined by injuries or discomfort? If you’ve been searching for practical, beginner-friendly advice to enhance your running experience

Deny Drink
Health Changer
Finn Ullrich

How Quitting Drinking will Transform Your Life 

In my late teens , I found myself swimming in the same currents as many of my peers. Friday nights were dedicated to raising a glass in celebration of the impending weekend, while

Shrrom pill drops cover blog post
Health Changer
Finn Ullrich

The Micro-dosing Movement: Is It a Healthy Life Improvement ?

Navigating the landscape of the health and fitness scene , there’s a subtle theme circling around, the “micro-dosing movement”. When you dive into research in this niche, you’ll find whispers of its influence

Seed oils How Dangerous ? Cover
Health Changer
Finn Ullrich

Are Seed Oils as Toxic to Your Health as Social Media Claims?

In today’s digital age, scrolling through social media reveals a lot of health enthusiasts talking about the benefits of using cast iron, condemning seed oils, and passionately embracing a raw, homemade lifestyle. As

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