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Overcome Downs with sports
Finn Ullrich

How to Overcome Down Phases with Sport and Strategies

Did you know that engaging in any form of physical activity can be as effective as antidepressant medication? We’ve all experienced those days, weeks, or even just hours where everything feels overwhelming and

Deny Drink
Health Changer
Finn Ullrich

How Quitting Drinking will Transform Your Life 

In my late teens , I found myself swimming in the same currents as many of my peers. Friday nights were dedicated to raising a glass in celebration of the impending weekend, while

Shrrom pill drops cover blog post
Health Changer
Finn Ullrich

The Micro-dosing Movement: Is It a Healthy Life Improvement ?

Navigating the landscape of the health and fitness scene , there’s a subtle theme circling around, the “micro-dosing movement”. When you dive into research in this niche, you’ll find whispers of its influence

Seed oils How Dangerous ? Cover
Health Changer
Finn Ullrich

Are Seed Oils as Toxic to Your Health as Social Media Claims?

In today’s digital age, scrolling through social media reveals a lot of health enthusiasts talking about the benefits of using cast iron, condemning seed oils, and passionately embracing a raw, homemade lifestyle. As

Did you know, chrononutrition cover
Finn Ullrich

Unlocking Your Health Potential with Chrono-Nutrition

In the ever-evolving world of nutrition and wellness, there’s a fascinating concept that’s been gaining attention in recent years: Chrono-Nutrition. Unlike many conventional diets, which focus primarily on what you eat, chrono-nutrition emphasizes

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